When you start a daycare, insurance is one of the main things you need to purchase to protect your investment. There are a few different insurance coverages your daycare will need in order protect yourself, your employees, and the children you take care of. So, what are your daycare insurance needs? What coverages should you purchase to protect your assets?
- Commercial General Liability
The first coverage your daycare needs is Commercial General Liability - this coverage is there to cover bodily injury and property damage for your actions.
- Professional Liability
Typically this can be added on your Daycare Liability policy. This covers you for decisions you make that can lead to bodily injury or property damage. - Abuse & Molestation
Typically this can be added on your Daycare Liability policy as well. This covers your for allegations and actions which can be considered abuse or molestation.
- Property Insurance
Property Insurance covers your Daycare's property, including the building or contents, for theft and fire and other causes of loss.
- Workers Compensation
This is insurance coverage to cover your employees for bodily injury. This is required in most states when you have employees. - Business Auto
If you have a business vehicle and use it to run errands or transport children you need to be on a commercial auto policy.
Contact John Dziak at 800-765-8272 for a comprehensive quote for your daycare insurance needs. Or click here to submit your information for a quote and I will get back to you ASAP.
Great overview. Thanks for posting this excellent overview on child care insurance policy. So many insurance policy that suits the day care business is being suggested in this article. I will try to learn and understand about each of them.
ReplyDeletesmall business insurance